Principal's Message
Principal's Message
January 6-10, 2025
I hope that everyone has been having a wonderful Winter Break with plenty of rest, relaxation and fun. Here’s to a continued bright road forward as the Heritage teachers, staff prepare for a great 2nd semester! There’s a lot that happens during the 2nd half of the year, and we know that everyone will stay #HuskyStrong and continue to HOWL for success (by being Helpful, taking Ownership, Working together and Learning daily). If there is anything you need or any question you have, please feel free to reach out to me at or 614-797-6600.
Here are some Husky Happenings and Information for January 6-10, 2025)
If inclement weather arrives this evening and Monday, please check the WCS website and local news to see how it will impact the school day. As always, the district will communicate as early as it can with information for all families.
Important information about Monday, January 6 (the first day back for all Huskies!)~
It will be an A Day in terms of student’s exploratory classes (i.e. Art, Music, PE).
Because 7th and 8th graders may have new exploratory classes 2nd semester, they will have printed copies of their schedules given to them during Advisory. If you have any questions, concerns, etc. about your student’s schedule, please check PowerSchool and then reach out to one of our awesome counselors.
It’s the start of 2nd semester! Grades for 1st semester are due on Thursday, Jan. 9 by 3pm for teachers. If you have questions, concerns, etc. about grades, you are encouraged to reach out to your student’s teachers.
Please check out this week’s #HuskyStrong HNN video which also has the #HuskyStrong Word of the Week, which is PRIORITY. Every Husky can submit something about the Word of the Week on the #HuskyStrong Google Form by Friday, Jan. 10! This form will also be available at lunch and in every students’ Lunch Course in Schoology–and it can be done anytime (at home, during Study Hall, at lunch, etc). Every submission is worth 10 points for your House, Huskies! And try out the new This or That survey, which is a brand new way to earn House Points!
Help our students and staff stay #HuskyHealthy by donating any Kleenex tissues or Clorox wipes. Feel free to send them in with your Husky or bring them to the front office anytime!
Husky “Next Level” Athletics this week! Best of luck to our HMS scholar-athletes--and to all of our Huskies who also participate in club sports!
Click here for Winter Sports information and more!
Girls Basketball: AWAY vs. Walnut Springs MS on Monday, Jan. 6 at 5pm, HOME vs. Dublin Karrer MS on Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 5:30pm, and AWAY vs. Olentangy Liberty MS on Thursday, Jan. 9 at 5:30pm
Boys Basketball: HOME vs. Walnut Springs MS on Monday, Jan. 6 at 5pm, AWAY vs. Dublin Karrer MS on Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 5:30pm, and HOME vs. Olentangy Liberty MS on Thursday, Jan. 9 at 5:30pm
Wrestling: HOME vs. Gahanna West MS on Wednesday, Jan. 8 at 5:30pm.
As always, we appreciate all of our HuskyStrong families! If you have any questions, concerns, ideas, etc., please reach out anytime– or 614-797-6600. With all of that in mind, keep your eyes on the prize and seize every day with kindness, excellence, safety, and Husky PRIDE! Let’s keep HOWLing for Success in 24-25!
#HuskyStrong All Year Long,
Dr. Tomlin and your Heritage MS Family
Archived Messages
Dru Tomlin, principal